Frequently Asked Questions: NCRAF Roundtable Dinner 2024


  • NCRAF’s 2024 Roundtable Dinner will be held Thursday, Nov. 14, 2024, from 5:30-8:30 pm.
  • The event will be in-person only at Apella RT in the Research Triangle Park (12 Davis Drive, Durham NC).
  • Ample onsite parking is available.
  • We anticipate an audience of roughly 100+ participants; we will select approximately 12-15 table topics for the event.


  • If you want to submit more than one proposal - you are welcome to do so!  If you run into technical issues attempting this, please email [email protected] for help.
  • As a roundtable speaker, you will lead a table discussion/presentation for a small group (5-10 participants).
  • Your presentation/discussion can be as structured or unstructured as you like – so long as it works for 5-10 people sitting at a table together over dinner.
  • Be prepared for your presentation to run approximately 45 minutes (including discussion and questions).
  • You will *not* be able to project to a screen.
  • You *can* give out paper handouts if you wish (or any other handouts), but this is not required.
  • If you and your topic are selected to lead a table (and if you confirm your availability to present), the NCRAF staff will register you for the event at no charge to you.
  • Please note, NCRAF is unable to offer stipends or travel reimbursement for speakers at this event.


  • Registration for the event will open approximately Sept. 15.  Registration is open to the public; NCRAF members receive a significant discount versus the non-member registration fee.
  • Individuals will be able to register at for the table/topic of their choice, until a table is full (some tables may fill up quickly). 
  • The event will start with a networking reception (including wine/beer/appetizers) from 5:30-6:30.  We hope that you will be able to join for networking!  However, speakers have no “duties” during this networking reception.
  •  After the reception, at 6:30 pm all will move to the dining room (to their assigned tables) for the buffet dinner.  Dinner will include have good options for vegetarian and gluten free diets.
  • Most table speakers start with having all table participants introduce themselves to the group, and perhaps a brief statement from each of why the topic interests them (or what they hope to learn). At some point everyone needs to load up their plates in the buffet line (either before or after introductions at the table).
  • Once folks at your table have their food, your table is your show, to manage as you see fit!
  • One important announcement – by  roughly 7:45 pm, every table should select a person to report to the main group on key learnings from the table. Usually there is at least one extrovert at the table who is able to summarize a few highlights; the table speaker should not have to be the reporter.
  • At about 7:45-8 pm, we’ll have a few brief announcements and then start with the larger “reporting session” , where 1 selected reporter for each table takes the microphone to share with the entire assembly some key highlights from the table discussion (aiming for 2-3 minutes, max).
  • Event should wrap up by approx. 9 pm.